Jonathan Nieuwsma

Prior to entering the renewable energy business, Jonathan was in the industrial manufacturing field for over 15 years. A large portion of that time was overseas, where he did product development, supply chain management, and manufacturing operation startups in Eastern Europe and Asia. Building on this technical background, Jonathan moved into marketing with a European manufacturing firm and lived in Germany for several years, which is where he first encountered utility scale wind turbines and widespread use of solar PV. Jonathan returned to Chicago and established a successful consulting business, helping European and American clients develop supply chain and manufacturing operations
in Asia. 


Jonathan then shifted focus to the renewable energy industry, merging his engineering experience with his environmental passion. Over the last decade Jonathan has helped clients throughout the US identify, qualify and develop successful renewable energy projects. 


Jonathan serves as chairman of the Evanston Utilities Commission and president of Citizens’ Greener Evanston, a local non-profit which was instrumental in securing Evanston's commitment to a goal of zero carbon by 2050.


Jonathan holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois with additional education in lean manufacturing, finance, and renewable energy.



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